Thursday, March 18, 2010

Classroom 2.0 Ning Network - Tools for Collaborative Mind Mapping (NETS-T IV, V)

The Classroom 2.0 Ning Network discusses a slough of technology tools for classrooms and learning. One in particular that caught my eye was collaborative mind mapping. Collaborative mind mapping is a way of linking ideas and concepts either in brainstorms, through diagrams or even in storyboards. Mind mapping helps students organize there ideas and thoughts. It also can help students build on their knowledge and by doing this in the beginning of a project helps them start projects with the end in mind. There are many online programs that can be used by students and teachers easily create digital models of their mind maps. Collaboration of mind maps can be done by inviting and networking with collaborators. The uses for these tools have endless applications as learning tools. 

From the discussions on Classroom2.0 the Ning Network many examples of collaborative mind mapping abound. The most functional program for brainstorming appears to be the This online program has a free membership and allows students to create and build on ideas through connected brainstorm bubbles. The software is interactive and is fun for kids. Bubbles explode when deleted and the bubbles can be assigned different colors to designate a different theme. Activity ideas for these brainstorm bubbles are word webs to build vocabulary and comparasions of different ideas. 

Another form of collaborative idea mapping is through diagrams. The online tool Creately provides free membership and access to various diagram templates including flow charts, network diagrams, and even SWOT charts. These colorful templates can be easily manipulated and collaborators can be invited to contribute to their creation. Creately offers an easy to learn system that can help students work together to create study guides for complex processes like for biological systems or could help them diagram interrelated events in history. 

Final thoughts on collaborative mind mapping through online tools: I feel that this is a powerful tool for students. Not only will it help them organize their thoughts better and collaborate with their peers but it will allow them to learn a new presentation skill. 


  1. It sounds like this is a virtual way of doing the "brainstorming" that we were supposed to do in school. It sounds like a great way to incorporate technology in mapping out an idea or assignment while keeping everything very organized.

  2. As a student I often got overwhelmed with explaining ideas and or showing how concepts worked or connected. Brainstorming, or mind maps was a helpful way to organize my thoughts. The on-line tools, like, looks like a fun way to keep things structured and organized while incorporate technology so it can also be shared with peers and teacher.

  3. Hi Amanda, come join us in:

    Could do with your expertise and enthusiasm

  4. Hi Amanda,
    Thanks for your research--I am adding the links you showed to my Delicious account. After reading your journal and looking at the idea map you made, I realized how important this type of tool is for visual people like me! Definitely something I'll use in the classroom. (Plus we can fulfill a technology standard while doing work on another school subject.)

  5. Hey Amanda!
    Thanks for your insight. I really enjoy this class because we are learning about so many great ideas to use in the class room once we teach. I really like the idea of the mind mapping and the fact that it is visual and easy to follow. Kind of like putting together a puzzle piece by piece. When you brought up biology, I can see how it is very hard for students once they start taking AP courses because they don't know how to really study college level yet, this might be very helpful.

  6. It's funny how I just never grew out of some of my old habits like peanut butter and fluff sandwiches or spider diagrams. I still make these things when I'm having trouble organizing my thoughts on paper. An online flow chart is a great tech. tool for students to outline biological processes or for an English Jane Schaffer style essay approach. Either way, it's a great resource.

  7. I love this mind mapping concept. and if you really love the whole mapping process you should definetely check out the inspiration software because it has tons of the same process as what you have above.
